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CIA Basics Course

CIA Basics – ‘Texas All-Lines Adjuster Pre-Licensing Course’
TDI course Certification #45470CX400

(40+ hours - TDI does not allow this course to qualify for CE credit.)

Course Description

This course teaches the student what insurance is, how it works, the different types of insurance policies and how claim adjusters relate to these issues. 
Students take this course for one reason – to obtain the coveted Texas All-Lines adjuster license.

The Texas All-Lines Adjuster Pre-Licensing course and exam have been certified by the Texas Dept. of Insurance per their rules, regulations and the Texas Insurance Code.  The course consists of 30 hours of classroom instruction and 10 hours of self study.  At the end of the 30 hours of classroom time, an exam will be given.  All students must score a 70 to receive a certificate of completion for the course.  In the unlikely event that a student fails to score at least a 70, tutoring will be made available and another exam will be given at no extra cost. 

Upon completion of this course, THE STUDENT will be prepared to handle all aspects of the CLAIM adjusting industry, WHETHER YOU CHOOSE TO WORK as a staff or independent insurance professional.

To put the Basic Course in a nutshell – it teaches the WHAT of claims adjusting.


TDI All-Lines
Adjuster Pre-licensing Course
TDI Course Certification #45470CX400

30 hours of classroom instruction and 10 hours of self study. At the end of the 30 hours of classroom time, an exam will be given.

CIA Basic Course (hide)

Thursday - evening

6 pm to 10 pm

4 classroom hrs

Friday - all day

9 am to 8 pm

10 classroom hrs

Saturday - all day

9 am to 8 pm

10 classroom hrs

Sunday - afternoon

1 pm to 7 pm

6 classroom hrs

The state licensing test will be immediately administered after Sunday class


Intermediate Course
Residential Adjusting 101

CIA Intermediate Course - ‘Residential Adjusting 101’ (hide)
Continuing Ed Credit Hours

28 hours general - TDI course Certification #49161CG280
  2 hours ethics - TDI course Certification #49161CE020

(30+ Hour - This course alone meets all TDI CE requirements to renew a license)

Course Description

Once you’ve taken an adjuster licensing course, now it’s time to learn HOW to become an adjuster. This course takes you through the learning process exactly the same way that we have mentored apprentices out in the field.

The Residential Adjusting 101 Course has been certified by the Texas Department of Insurance per the rules and regulations of the TDI. The course consists of 30+ hours of classroom instruction tailored to teach the student how a professional adjuster does what he does. An additional 10 hours of field training is provided.

Course Includes:

• Preparing Yourself Before a Cat Event Happens
• Understanding the Carriers Expectations
• The Tools of the Trade That the Professionals Use
• The Science of Adjusting
• Introduction to residential Construction
    - Terminology
    - Scope
    - Considerations – New Construction vs. Restoration
    - Tips – Commonly Overlooked Restoration Items
       Most Adjusters Miss
• Scoping The Loss
    - Reading the Loss Notice
    - Reviewing The Policy
    - Setting the Appointment
    - Navigation in a Catastrophic Zone
    - Speaking with the Insured
    - Photo Documentation
    - Damage identification
    - Roofing types
    - Diagramming and Roof/Exterior
       Measuring Techniques
    - Interior Measuring Techniques
    - Tricks of the Trade
    - Contents and Additional Living Expenses
• Damage Assessment
    - Hurricane
    - Hail
    - Flood
    - Fire
    - Wind
    - Poor Maintenance
• Methods of Repair

The class will have a field trip where several homes are being built to learn (first hand) residential construction terminology, methods and components; 10. You will climb, diagram and measure an actual roof. The damage assessment training involves using actual claims scenarios and role playing methods. At the conclusion of the course, the student will have the basic knowledge of how a professional handles a property claim during a catastrophe event. To put the Intermediate Course in a nutshell – it teaches the HOW of claims adjusting.


Residential Adjusting 101

TDI Course Certification #49161CG280
TDI course Certification #49161CE020

30+ hours of classroom instruction tailored to teach the student what a professional adjuster does. An additional 10 hours of field training is provided.

CIA Intermediate - Residential Adjusting 101 Course (hide)

Friday - all day

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

8 classroom hrs

Saturday - all day

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

8 classroom hrs

Sunday - all day

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

8 classroom hrs

Monday - all day

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

8 classroom hrs

Tuesday - half day 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 8 classroom hrs
(Licensing test afterward)

Computer Basics
Hands-On Course

Introduction to Computers - for the inexperienced user
One Day Workshop - computers/workbooks supplied.

(6 hours - TDI does not allow this course to qualify for CE credit.)

If you feel unfamiliar with computers this may be a pre-requisite before taking the Xactimate or IntegriClaim courses - We recommend that you allow yourself at least a week to practice the exercises included in this training (to come up to speed) before taking the Xactimate and/or the IntegriClaim courses.

Course Description:

If you have little or no experience with computers, this hands-on course is where you need to start. You'll never be afraid of your computer again. We will help you gain the knowledge you need and learn how to use that knowledge with confidence. This course helps you increase their knowledge and confidence about using computers, the internet, and digital technology. Learn how your computer works and how to use important programs and the Internet. The inexperienced computer user will be introduced to:

  • The basics of computers.

  • The use of the keyboard and the mouse.

  • The Windows Operating system - what it is and what it does

  • How to create files and folders and organize your documents

  • How to get around on the Internet

  • How to download a file

  • Safety tips on what NOT to click on or download from the Internet

  • How to safely send and receive emails and limit the problems of spam, viruses, spyware, adware, malware and other nasties.

  • The bare essentials to safe computing.

This course is administered by BizEdCentral - leaders in computer and software training.

Hands-On Computing

One-day 6-hour hands-on class for inexperienced computer users covering the basic required computer skills needed for the CIA Estimating - Xactimate & IntegriClaim Course. Computers & workbooks are supplied.

Computer Basics Hands-On Course (hide)

Wednesday - all day

9:30 am to 4:30 pm

6 classroom hrs

If applicable, this class should be taken at least one week prior to taking the CIA Estimating Course.

CIA Adjuster
Estimating Course

CIA Adjuster’s Estimating Program Course
Using Xactimate & IntegriClaim Programs
Continuing Ed Credit Hours

28 hours general - TDI course Certification #48474CG280
  2 hours ethics - TDI course Certification #48474CE020

(30+ Hour - This course alone meets all TDI CE requirements to renew a license)

Course Description

This course teaches the student how to enter the hand-written information that they have gathered in their scope notes (at the insured’s inspection/ interview) into the computer program required by the insurance carrier - Xactimate 24 & 25 or IntegriClaim 8.0. This course takes the student step-by-step through the computer entry process (even for those students who consider themselves to be computer phobic) and leads them ultimately to the creation of a superior work product.

The Adjusters Estimating Program course consists of a 3½ day, hands-on class where the student will be introduced to Xactimate 24 & 25 and IntegriClaim 8.0 claim estimating software. We encourage all students to use their own notebook computers for the lab where possible – however, lease notebooks are available for those students that do not have computers, or for those who have computers that do not meet the basic software requirements.

Course Contents include:

   • Registering and setting up the software
     Xactimate 24 & 25 and IntegriClaim 8.0
(the software should be installed in the student's
      computer prior to class)

   • Creating a New Claim
   • Setting Preferences
   • Building Valuation
   • Importing and Organizing Photos
   • Using sketch to the fullest
   • Becoming Proficient in Diagramming the Roof Using Sketch
   • Creating an Estimate
   • Strategies and Tips for How The Pro’s Enter Estimate Items
   • The correct utilization of APS, UPP and ALE
   • Double Checking and Uploading Your Work Product
   • Archiving Finished Claims
   • Cutting Your Workload in Half Through Macros.

The Xactimate / IntegriClaim training involves using mock claim scenarios. At the conclusion of the course, the student will have established a foundation from which they can create an outstanding work product that exceeds the insurance carrier’s expectations.

What to Bring to Class:
A Laptop/Notebook Computer with the following requirements:
     • Processor: 1.0 Ghz speed minimum - 1.5 Ghz Recommended
     • Operating System: Windows XP - Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista
     • Free Hard Drive Space: 1.5 Gb

     • RAM Memory: 1 Gb
     • Monitor Resolution: 1024 X 768 Recommended
     • CD ROM Drive
     • Ethernet port or Wireless Internet card
     • AC adapter for your computer
     • External Mouse / Keyboard / Mouse Pad (Optional)
(Lease Computers are available upon advanced request for the entire training for $150 from BizEdCentral)

Xactimate & IntegriClaim computer applications covered
TDI Course Certification #48474CG280
TDI Course Certification #48474CE020

3½ day, hands-on class where the student will be introduced to Xactimate 24 & 25 and IntegriClaim 8.0, the two industry standard claim estimating software applications.

CIA Adjuster Estimating - Xactimate & IntegriClaim (hide)

Thursday - evening

6 pm to 10 pm

  4 classroom hrs

Friday - all day

9 am to 8 pm

10 classroom hrs

Saturday - all day

9 am to 8 pm

10 classroom hrs

Sunday - all day

1 pm to 7 pm

  6 classroom hrs


Introduction to
Commercial Adjusting

(Currently Not Available)

Introduction to Commercial Adjusting
(4 Hours - This course is not a TDI Requirement course, and is only for informational purposes)

Course Description - Topics Covered:

How Commercial Adjusting compares to Residential Adjusting,
  important differences and similarities.

• How to get organized from the onset - much more important in
  commercial adjusting. Know what you're dealing with and what your
  needs are.

• Coverage issues to be aware of.

• The importance of activity logs.

• How to set proper reserves.

• Dealing with Public Adjusters, Contractors, and assorted persons
  of interest (engineers, accountants, lawyers, etc.).

• Captioned Reports, Estimates, Statement of Loss, Valuation
  Reports, Proofs of Loss, and other pertinent required documents
  on commercial losses.

• How to prepare for the unexpected.

• Proper reporting and report format and communication.

• Proper claim conclusion. When, where, and how, as well as keep

In today's environment, even the simplest commercial claim can easily develop real complex issues. If these issues are not properly addressed from the outset, they can cost major dollars to all involved. We will be giving our students the basic survival tools that allow you to better serve yourself and the carrier. If you are wanting to be a commercial adjuster, the best way I can put it is "You're not in Kansas anymore, Toto - times have changed". See you at the class, be ready to listen as we are going to cover a lot of material in a short time.

Commercial Adjusting Intro

This 4-hour class will introduce students to the basics of Commercial Adjusting, taught by Tony Rougas, a 35-year veteran in large loss commercial general adjusting. Covering the different basic aspects of commercial adjusting, this class is designed to give the student enough information to determine if commercial adjusting is something in which they would be interested.
(See Course Calendar for available dates)
Laptop Leasing - Although we highly recommend bringing your own laptop/notebook computer to the classes, you may lease computers for $150 per course.

Computers are NOT provided or included in the price of the Computer Basics Hands-on Course.

: Both the CIA Intermediate Course and The CIA Estimating Course qualify for Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) continuing education credit – 28 hours plus 2 hours of ethics. Both courses meet the TDI requirements to renew your license before it expires after 2 years.

Financing is Available for Those Registering for More Than a Single Course

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